Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is it a crime to prefer the moon?

I can proclaim myself with many titles, it's only natural. I can be titled as brown, a chic geek, American, TV Junkie, 311 lover, I mean the titles can continue to infinity. My concern though, is that I proclaim myself as a night owl but why is this such a bad thing?

I majored in English at college but ever since I left, my head has more images of reruns on TV instead of paragraphs from novels. I keep trying to find a book to "bring me back" but what the fuck does that even mean?

On my days off or on days when I don't have to work until the night shift, I watch TV and sleep. That's it. I don't think it's truly by choice but mainly because I'm lonely. I don't have someone who is willing to go places at times when the world is actually awake and not when the world is actually sleeping.

I work two jobs and maybe it's to help me financially but for what? To buy things I do not need? To feel like I have a purpose with a paycheck?

I just keep hoping that one night at 3AM (or in this blog entry's case, 6:30AM) I can hear either the sounds of silence or that of someone who can be my company instead of the moon.