Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A 1/4 of a Century

So I spent my 25th birthday with some great friends at my favorite place in the 954, The Pub! My birthday fell on a Wednesday this year so there wasn't so much craziness going on. One of the funniest moments was right in the beginning of the night. We got the giant King's table so everyone could sit comfortably. About 10 minutes sitting, a big group of people came in with a large bunch of birthday balloons and were eying our table but the hostess shook her head since it was already taken by us. They ended up sitting outside on the stools so ha, long live this birthday Queen!
It is amazing how quickly time has flown by but I know there is so much better things to come for me in the future. I am too awesome to be in the same rut and I am determined to make some drastic changes. Im not talking dying my hair blond or taking up salsa lessons, but more like career wise finding something different and fulfilling. If I could have a job to travel the world and photograph food I would, but this day and age, unless you know someone in the business, how can you possibly do such a thing?

Either way, it was a fun night. Thanks to my great friends for keeping me laughing all night long!

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