Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is it a crime to prefer the moon?

I can proclaim myself with many titles, it's only natural. I can be titled as brown, a chic geek, American, TV Junkie, 311 lover, I mean the titles can continue to infinity. My concern though, is that I proclaim myself as a night owl but why is this such a bad thing?

I majored in English at college but ever since I left, my head has more images of reruns on TV instead of paragraphs from novels. I keep trying to find a book to "bring me back" but what the fuck does that even mean?

On my days off or on days when I don't have to work until the night shift, I watch TV and sleep. That's it. I don't think it's truly by choice but mainly because I'm lonely. I don't have someone who is willing to go places at times when the world is actually awake and not when the world is actually sleeping.

I work two jobs and maybe it's to help me financially but for what? To buy things I do not need? To feel like I have a purpose with a paycheck?

I just keep hoping that one night at 3AM (or in this blog entry's case, 6:30AM) I can hear either the sounds of silence or that of someone who can be my company instead of the moon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All hail the Lizard King

When I was in high school, barely 16, I became slightly obsessed with The Doors and especially Jim Morrison. I wrote my first paper on his life and gave a speech in front of my American History class about music of the 1960s as I dressed in (faux) leather pants and a white peasant blouse like the man himself. I researched Rolling stones and read "No one here gets out alive" like my life depended on it. You know how people would get lost in the music and actually go to a record store to buy a new album? That's what I did. Walking into a Virgin Megastore and buying the greatest hits and falling in love with nearly every track.

A few years later, barely in my first year of college, I took a trip to New York City and went to Greenwich Village for the first time. I bought The Doors' Absolutely Live album and have kept it for over 6 years just protected and have yet to play it on an actual record player until I can find the time to truly listen. The years before I turned 20, I was lost in music, absorbing everything like a sponge and working on my poetry and stories with a fierce agenda.

I sometimes get this thought in my idea that Morrison's death was a true conspiracy as the only witness to his death was his jaded girlfriend and a so-called French Doctor who was friends with her. I wanted to buy the "Forever 27" poster just to show that sometimes the best in show cant go past that number and Morrison himself said he would be number 3. Usually the post poetic and profound are also the most psychic with their own deaths.

Watching the documentary "When you're strange" tonight, brought me back to those days of actually feeling something about music and having this little political bug in me that seemed to have just jumped off once Freshman year ended.

So to Mr. Morrison I say this, thank you for making this little chick so enlightened at such an age and hopefully your work brings me back to that place.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A 1/4 of a Century

So I spent my 25th birthday with some great friends at my favorite place in the 954, The Pub! My birthday fell on a Wednesday this year so there wasn't so much craziness going on. One of the funniest moments was right in the beginning of the night. We got the giant King's table so everyone could sit comfortably. About 10 minutes sitting, a big group of people came in with a large bunch of birthday balloons and were eying our table but the hostess shook her head since it was already taken by us. They ended up sitting outside on the stools so ha, long live this birthday Queen!
It is amazing how quickly time has flown by but I know there is so much better things to come for me in the future. I am too awesome to be in the same rut and I am determined to make some drastic changes. Im not talking dying my hair blond or taking up salsa lessons, but more like career wise finding something different and fulfilling. If I could have a job to travel the world and photograph food I would, but this day and age, unless you know someone in the business, how can you possibly do such a thing?

Either way, it was a fun night. Thanks to my great friends for keeping me laughing all night long!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Tweet of the day

Sometimes it better to be alone with your thoughts then to feel like you aren't even being heard.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey Mr. DJ keep playing that song for me!

While leaving Macy*s today, I saw a car with advertising on the back. I had to look twice, but it's still a pretty awesome DJ name :)

Have you seen my Stapler?

That and the TPS reports should be turned in by Saturday MMMMM K? Thanks!

I love the movie "Office Space" and my wonderful stapler at work died last week so I was lucky enough to order this beautiful red one to replace it. RIP other Swingline.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sleep, where art thou?

There are so many elements of daily life activities that humans have full control over, I wonder why I can't control sleep?

It may have to do with the obvious facts such as blogging at 3:20AM, but in all honesty, it's as if there is this piece missing within me that prevents me from sleeping through the night without anxiety or ADD.

I've made the much dreaded appointment with an ENT to see if maybe I suffer from sleep apnea because of my nose. I'd like to have a normal sleep schedule which I never really had in my life.

Even as a kid with a bedtime, I used to stay up and think these crazy stories. I remember when we lived in Carol City, a fairly scary and ghetto place, that I couldn't sleep and would hear cars speeding by or people fighting all the time.

Even now, while we live in a fairly quiet place, it's as if my brain is on overdrive from any sound or strange feeling.

I joke to myself that maybe I am on Pacific time, but in all fairness and wishes, I just want to be tired by midnight.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I will possess your heart

I did some much needed shopping today and proudly spent much less than a $20 bill on so much thanks to free gift cards.

Today I bought my own copy of the "Un-Anniversary Edition" of Alice in Wonderland. Such a twisted but great film. The Mad Hatter's Tea Party will forever be my favorite scene followed by Alice falling down the actual rabbit hole.

I also got "Sherlock Holmes" starring Robert Downey, Jr and directed by my favorite director, Guy Ritchie. Madonna I love you, but I love your (ex) husband too. It's the whole gritty British action story that he writes and directs that gets to me. The plots always have a crazy twist and I think I own nearly all of his films. One of the funniest moments in my life is I went to see RockNRolla on opening night with what I thought would be a bunch of friends and it ended up just being my friend Alex and myself as the ONLY PEOPLE in the entire theater that opening night. The movie was so hilarious and it was great just laughing as loud as we wanted since no one was there.

I also believe I have become a bit obsessed with freebies and rebates (Hey times are hard okay, I am trying to save a dollar, or several). This week I got a free Kikkomann Soy Sauce Silicone brush!

Awesome right? I thought so. Last week I received a free Burt's Bee's toothpaste sample. Haven't tried it yet though.

I am trying to work on my insomnia/anxiety but blogging at 2am isn't really helping now is it? I told myself that by the time my birthday rolls around this month I will try to figure out the root of it all. Especially because for the past few months I am having the recurring dream about my teeth falling out but this Sunday, it was to the point where I held them in my hand and could see the empty space directly in the front. The google search says it is a reflection of one's anxiety and thoughts of how others perceive them. I think that is fairly accurate.

Moving on from the recurring thoughts, I am going to attempt to sleep. I cant promise you anything except maybe a good story tomorrow (if I can get the boost to write again)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vegas bound tomorrow!

So my sister and I are heading to Las Vegas for a week of amazing food, hotel exploring and of course a kick ass and our very first 311 Day concert.

A lot of planning and last minute ticket purchasing went into this trip. This is also our first big trip with no one else and staying somewhere besides a Hyatt for the majority of the trip.

It feels good having to pack more than just a carry-on suitcase and buying things specifically for Las Vegas. I've set myself up to enjoy all the great food and to gamble just enough without leaving a hole in my pocket or my thousandair dream :)

Who knows, maybe from this trip we will gain more than another camera filled with the scenery. Maybe this time, we will bring back more.

That can be said because it's VEGAS baby!!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

RIP JD Salinger Jan 1, 1919-January 27, 2010

The world of phony people got hit with the news that Holden’s creator, JD Salinger, passed away at the age of 91 of natural causes in his New Hampshire home. The very reclusive writer has not been seen or interviewed in decades but his death has truly brought him out of the woods and I am sure the sales of “The Catcher in the Rye” will sky rocket this year.

I remember the first time I knew about his book was in my English AP class and I had to read it along with other works like “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding in a 3 week span since my junior English teacher failed to mention that I was accepted in the AP program and had summer reading prior to my senior year. When I read “The Catcher in the Rye” the first time, I hated it. Mainly because I had to rush through it and was filled with anger towards my dimwitted junior English teacher for not telling me to read it along with the 10 other books I needed to read by August of 2002.

However, one semester in college, I was taking literature of adolescence and one of the assigned readings was “The Catcher in the Rye” which I had to buy. This time, I had the right amount of time and fell in love with the book. It is truly one of those coming of age stories that will forever be remembered. This book is so popular on so many levels. It relates to young adolescents, angst-filled college students and has been banned in libraries all over the world. It keeps getting published and that’s a good thing.

Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon in NYC on December 8, 1980 gave a copy of “The Catcher in the Rye” as his only statement to the cops. John Hinckly, Jr, the man who made an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981 in a strange way to impress Jodie Foster had a copy of “The Catcher in the Rye” in his hotel room prior to the shooting.

I took the photo above at the Obama Rally in Sunrise, Florida. While waiting in line to get some food for my mom and I, I was talking to this guy behind me named Jake who had this tattoo on his arm. It is the carousel from the cover of one of the publications of “The Catcher in the Rye”. Obviously Salinger influenced people on so many levels, including permanent remembrance of his only published novel.

Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was visiting some small motel up north that apparently Salinger lived in. Though we all know he lived in his own home. I asked the person in charge if I could look and she let me. It was a small place filled with odd knick-knacks, a small desk near the door and a bed. I started to tear up, though I do not know why. The room was warmly lit and it just had this cozy feeling about it as if, who would want to leave and be seen by the world?

We’ll miss you JD, even though we haven’t seen you in awhile, you still left an impression on everyone.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dining on Lincoln Road

I went to Books and Books for dinner a few weeks ago. WIth the help of a gift certificate, I was able to enjoy a 3-course dinner on Lincoln Road without burning my credit card.

I started off with this Warm Pear and goat cheese salad. The pear was not tasty at all. However, the cheese and walnuts reminded me of a delicious Waldorf.

Next was the Seafood stew. It was hearty and a perfect warm dish since it was nearly 40 degrees outside and that was where I was sitting. Thanks to the heat lamps and this stew, I felt cozy. However, there was a lack of spice but just dipping the bread in the warm sauce was sufficient enough.

The final dish was the key lime pie with a fresh mango glaze. I swear you could smell the fresh key lime juice once the plate was placed on the table. It was an interesting combination with the key lime and mango.

I read Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" by Candlelight. But when my food arrived, I moved onto my other favorite hobby: people watching.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I think lethargic isn't a big enough word

Every day when I get home from work, I keep telling myself that I will eat dinner, read a book and go to bed prior to midnight. Instead I eat a boring dinner and sit on the couch until maybe 1-2am and then try to go to bed.

I used to finish books in under three hours and yet it's like nothing can grab my attention except a fallen DVR remote.

What the fuck happened? And of course it is nearly three in the morning and I have thoughts running through my head that do not mean anything at any hour in the day or night.

I keep telling myself so much, you would think I would have the attention span to actually hear myself every now and then.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A fresh start in 2010

I remember when blogging was just a buzz word around the Internet. There were sites like and live journal, where hipsters could share their thoughts and learn the wonderful world of HTML.

I always told myself I would get back to writing the way I used to in my teen years, but eventually your ideas of free thought become garbled with the thoughts of your work day, you forget when to take a break and think of just your own life and not what brings home the bacon.

My goal for this year is to take advantage of this digital age we live in beyond just random YouTube videos and funny tweets to read.

Let's see how this goes and who knows, maybe this will lead me to finally publish the great (well almost great) American novel.